Benchmarking allows mulitple organisations to issue surveys with the same set of core questions to their own cohort of respondents and then benchmark against the aggregate results from all the other participating organisations.

Currently, Online Surveys hosts Jisc’s Digital experience insights surveys, Vitae’s CEDARS survey and Advance HE’s UKES, PTES and PRES surveys.

Shortly after all of the surveys in a benchmarking group  have closed, a benchmarking tab will appear in the menu at the top of your survey’s Analyse area

An example of a benchmarking report.

Understanding your benchmarking report

Benchmarking reports compare the results of quantiative questions (Choice, Dropdown and Grid) in your survey to an aggregate of results from common questions in surveys issued by other organistions.

Below is an example of what this comparison looks like. Each question has a set of three columns against the answer options in the question.

Your survey: these are your results, mirroring what is on your Overview page.

Comparison: these are the aggregate results collected by all other organisations.

Total: these are the total results of the benchmarking group (your survey + all other surveys).

An example of a benchmarking report table.

Downloading the report

You can download one of two summary reports by expanding the Download menu at the top of the page.

  • XLSX
  • PDF 
The Benchmarking report page with the Download menu expanded.

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