If you have uploaded a list of respondents using the Access Control feature, there are two methods of distributing their unique URLs:

  • Emailing invitations through Online Surveys.
  • Downloading your respondent list to issue the unique URLs yourself.

Emailing invitations through Online Surveys

Sending invitations to all respondents

The simplest way to distribute invitations to your respondent list is by sending an email to all of your respondents that contains their unique URL.

You can customise these invitations to include custom text and a custom sender, but the emails will always come from no-reply@app.onlinesurveys.jisc.ac.uk.

To issue invitations to all respondents in one go:

  1. Expand the Send your survey menu.
  2. Click Email respondents.

To issue a second set of invitation emails, you will just need to follow the same process. Invitations will only ever be sent to respondents who have not submitted a response to your survey.

Your survey must have been launched to send emails.

Image of the expanded Send your survey menu.

Sending invitations to individual respondents

You may want to single out an individual respondent to re-issue their invitation, without emailing the entire list. To do this:

  1. Search for the respondent using the Search by email box.
  2. Click the Email button on the respondent’s row in the table.
The invitation email the respondent receives will be exactly the same as the one they would receive in a bulk issue.
Sending individual emails will still count against that respondent’s Reminders sent total. 
Individual Email icon highlighted on a respondent list.

Managing your invitations

Once a respondent has received at least one invitation, a green check will appear in the Invited column on their row in the respondent list.

Subsequent invitations will be counted in the Reminders sent column.

You can issue eight invitations in total to each respondent.
Close up of invited and reminders columns on the respondent list.

Downloading your respondent list

Downloading all respondents

You can download a csv file that contains your list of respondents including Unique URLs for them to access the survey and be tracked in the same way as if issuing the email via Online Surveys.

You can use this file as the basis for a mail merge using your own email service. 

To download your respondent list:

  1. Expand the Manage respondents menu.
  2. Click Download all.
Manage respondents menu.

Downloading unfinished respondents

You can download a csv file that contains a list of your respondents who have not submitted a response to your survey yet. This too will include the respondents’ unique URLs.

You can use this file as the basis for a mail merge when issuing reminders using your own email service. 

To download your respondent list:

  1. Expand the Manage respondents menu.
  2. Click Download unfinished.
Manage respondents menu.

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