
A Note allows you to add text, links, images and other media to your survey.

This option could be used to add headings, provide some context for your survey or a particular question, or to add media that can be referenced in your questions.

Adding a note

To add a note to your survey, click the Add new item button on the Survey Builder.

This will expand a menu with all of the available question types.

Select Note.

This will place a default Note section on your survey page, ready for you to edit.

The Add new item menu

Editing a Note

The Note function comes with editing options attached.

Here you can change the font style, align the text, add lists and hyperlinks.

You can also upload or embed images, or embed media from popular sites such as YouTube.

Click the finish editing button once you are done.

An example of a Note with formatted text.


Notes have similar functions as the question types. These are: