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Action buttons on your question editor

Duplicate question

Clicking the Duplicate button on your question or note will create a copy one place below. Question text in a duplicated question will have “-Duplicate” appended to it. 

Move question up/down one place

Clicking the vertical arrow buttons on your question or note will move the question up or down one place on the same page.

Move question to another page

Clicking the horizontal arrows button will allow you to choose a page in your survey to move the question or note to. The question or note will be added to the bottom of the destination page. 

Important: If you have set page logic based on the answers to the question you are moving and choose to move the question beyond that page, then the logic will be removed.

Delete question

Clicking the trashcan button will permanently delete the question. You will be asked to confirm, but the action is not reversable if you confirm to delete. 

Important: If you delete a question that has gathered responses, those associate responses will be permanently deleted.

Further help and support

Creating a Survey

There are three ways to create a new survey: Create a new survey from scratch. Create a new survey by copying an existing survey. Create a new survey by another using sharing a survey with you. Creating a Survey from scratch To create a survey from your Dashboard, select Create...

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Survey questions

Adding a question To add a question or note to your survey, click the Add new item button on the Survey Builder. This will expand a menu with all of the available question types. Question types Choice The choice question allows respondents to select one or several answers from a list using...

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