
People and permissions

You should check with your administrator that you have an active user account. You will likely not have a user account as a default just because your organisation has a subscription. An admin at your organisation will need to invite you to register. If you are sure that you have an active user account, our Login troubleshooting help page can provide guidance for Login issues.

Your organisation will have a dedicated administrator (or administrators) who are able to invite you to register if it is appropriate. Most organisations will provide access via their IT Helpdesk. Jisc cannot register users on your organisation’s behalf, so you should follow your internal processes for requesting access to software. If the process at your organisation isn’t clear, then we may be able to put you in touch with an administrator if you contact

You can share your survey with existing users in your organisation’s account by using the Permissions area in your survey’s menu. See our Survey permissions help page for guidance.

If you encounter the error, “Error creating permission: Either permission already exists, user does not exist in the account, or you tried to add yourself” when attempting to add a permission, the most likely reason is that the email address you are attempting to add is not used by a user in your account. Permissions can only be granted to existing users of your account. You should check with your colleague that you are using the correct email address or that they have a user account that you can share the survey with.

Survey design

Yes. However, there are some changes that can cause the deletion of data already collected. Our Editing a launched survey help page details which changes are safe and which changes you should consider carefully.

You can use Logic to create a dependent follow-up question. This will allow you to provide a space for a free text response for your respondents to complete if you set an “Other” option in a Choice question. See our Adding a follow-up / “other” question help page for guidance.

No, but you can upload the file to your own cloud space (e.g. Google Drive, Microsoft SharePoint), and add a link within the survey to open the file.

Management of documents and classifying them appropriately is becoming more important within organisations. We feel that file types other than images should be uploaded and managed by users within the systems they use, so they can easily be classified, edited, replaced and removed following the guidelines and controls in place at that organisation.

Yes. You can choose to embed or upload images into a Note in your survey. You can also embed media from supported sites such as YouTube. 

You can add a required choice question to obtain consent from your respondents, and use the screening function for those who do not consent. See our Adding a consent question help page for guidance.

Survey distribution

Survey analysis

Currently, Online Surveys supports CSV and SPSS data downloads. You can also download summaries of your data to PDF or Excel. See our Downloading your responses help page for guidance.

Account management

60 days before your subscription is due to expire, an alert will be shown on your Subscriptions page (admin only). Click the View quote & renew subscription button in this alert to view your quote or download it as a PDF. See our Manage your subscription help page for further guidance.

60 days before your subscription is due to expire, an alert will be shown on your Subscriptions page (admins only). Click the View quote & renew subscription button in this alert to progress with your renewal. See our Manage your subscription help page for further guidance.

You must have an administrator role to add a new user to your organisation’s account. See our Adding and removing users help page for guidance.

You can toggle on this requirement on the User management page. This will prompt users to complete their profiles whenever they visit the Dashboard. See our Require users to complete their profile help page.

Responding to surveys

Ensure you are running the latest version of iOS. See Apple Support for instructions. If your iPhone is older and can no longer receive iOS updates, please attempt using a different device. See our Supported browsers and operating systems help page for more information.

This means that the survey owner has removed the survey and it is no longer available for your response.

This means that the response period for the survey has ended. You should contact the originator of the survey if you have any questions about submitting a response after the survey has closed.