Every other Monday, we’ll tell you what we’ve been working on and what we are planning. We’ll also use this space to communicate project timelines and our roadmap.

The last two weeks

We’ve made three releases since the last update. 

Release 2.4.0 included two key features: Answer piping and Image upload. It also contained a new feature in the Survey Builder to move questions between pages and a change that now means required questions can be added to pages with logic.

Release 2.5.0 introduced a Respondent screening feature. This will allow you to direct your respondents from the survey to a custom message if they select answers that you have determined makes them ineligible to complete the survey. This release also includes a number of changes to how you navigate your survey – I’ve included a section below to explain those changes.

Release 2.6.0 addresses some bugs and UX improvements.

In addition to this work that has been completed and released, the team has also been busy on a feature that will allow pre-population to be used without needing to upload a respondent list. We hope to release that very soon.

Happening in the next two weeks

We will be taking a break for the Christmas period next week, but we hope to be in a position to release our improved pre-population feature before we do (or, at least, have it very nearly ready to go for the new year).

Feature delivery

Below are the features that are in progress or planned next:

FeatureStatusDelivery estimate
Use pre-population without a respondent listDevelopingDays
PDF export of survey questionsPlannedWeeks
Upload an image for your survey’s logoPlannedWeeks
Survey Logic overviewPlannedWeeks

Navigating your surveys (some changes)

Release 2.5.0 saw some changes to how you will navigate your survey. These are the changes we have made:


  • We have split out the content of the Settings tab into Settings and Display tabs. This is to declutter the Settings page and make room for pre-population settings to live on that page.
  • We have added a Messages tab to the Builder area to support customising messages, such as the new Screening message.
  • Pre-population parameter settings have moved from the Email list page in Access Control to the Build Settings page. This is to prepare for allowing pre-population to be used without needing a respondent list.


  • We have removed the Overview and Links tabs from the Distribute area and moved the content of those pages to a single Launch tab. This is to reduce the number of steps and have everything in one place for you to view.
  • As a default, instead of the Overview page, the Distribute Settings page will now be displayed when you navigate to the Distribute area.

Staying in touch

If you have any questions, you can contact our Customer Success team at help@jisc.ac.uk.